To help implement Agile CM across all teams, the corporate CM organization will also have distinct responsibilities. 为帮助所有团队执行敏捷配置管理,CM组织还将负有不同的责任。
( e) change of organizational structure. Advantages of the corporate form of organization 改变组织形式。法人组织形式的优点
Organization charts showing the contractor's corporate and project organization responsible for managing, performing and verifying the work. 承包商企业及负责管理、执行和审核本项目的项目组织的组织图。
Teamwork and execution by our African management team and their counterparts in our corporate organization have been impressive. 我们非洲管理团队的团队精神和执行能力,以及我们法人组织中的同仁们,都给人留下深刻的印象。
Second, factuality of the main body that own the land material object-change collective organization into collective corporate organization in order to contenting the request for optimizing the distribution of resources of market economy and realizing the value pursuing of efficiency; 土地实物所有权主体实在化&变农民集体组织为集体法人组织,满足了市场经济资源优化配置的要求,实现效率的价值追求;
Cloned humans are humans and not any other things, so they should be qualified with the corporate organization of a natural person. 克隆人是人不是物,应具有自然人的法律主体资格。
The self-control of corporate should be realized by its organ under governance, but the present legal model and the corporate organization supplied the potential possibility for the self-control alienation into the insider-control. 公司治理结构原本应是公司通过公司机关而实现的自我控制。而当下公司治理结构的法理模式和公司机关的构造,为公司的自我控制异化成内部人控制提供了法律上的可能性。
The developed financial market, corporate organization and accountant-centred corporate conception require that corporate calculate capital cost, including cost of capital in debt and cost of stock capital, hence the construction of stock capital cost. 发达的金融市场、公司组织形式和公司会计主体观念要求计算资本成本(包括负债资本成本和股权资本成本),从而产生了股权资本成本的构想。
This article is composed of three parts: administration framework of corporate organization, human capital property policy, and consummation of administration framework of corporate organization by independent company director systems. 全文共分三大部分,内容包括公司法人治理结构,人力资本产权制度和独立董事制度对公司法人治理结构的创新完善。
Perfect the Independent Director System and Improve the Corporate Administrative Organization 完善独立董事制度健全法人治理结构
After that, the thesis will discuss how to establish corporate, brand and product culture, and value alliance with other corporate and organization. 此外,还会对企业、品牌、产品文化以及价值联盟建立等问题进行讨论。
The article analyzes the problems of corporate organization and liquidation after the situation of revoking business license happened to a company. 对企业被吊销营业执照后的法人资格及其清算问题进行了探讨,以期能对我国公司法制的完善有所裨益。
On the Base for the Turning of Rear& service Group into the Independent Corporate Organization Discussion on feasibility and necessity of establishing separate legal dietetic entity 浅析高校后勤成为独立法人实体的基础体育学院组建具有独立法人资格饮食服务实体的可行性和必要性
It was put forward that the factor of image construction derives from the composition of corporate organization and product exploitation strategy through analyzing the peculiarities and functions of several kinds of image structures. 通过对各类形象架构(如统一型、多元组合型、品牌型)特征与作用的分析,指出形象的结构问题客观存在,形象的结构性要素植根于企业的组织体系,关系到企业的经营策略。
The Effect of Corporate Organization Structural Inertia on Strategic Change 企业组织结构的刚性特征及对战略变革的影响
Information structure is an important part of corporate organization structure and contributes greatly to the enterprise's efficiency. 信息结构是企业组织结构的重要组成部分,对企业效率影响巨大。
Business Data ENTERPRISE Economic Efficiency and Corporate Organization 经济效率与企业组织
But at present the most of discussion about it emphasizes on comparison between other countries corporate governance model, the structure of corporate organization. 但是目前关于公司治理的讨论更多着重于对其它国家公司治理模式的比较和借鉴,更多着重于公司组织的构建方面。
Consequently, whether the shareholders contribute according to laws as well as the Articles of Association or not will both exert profound influence on the corporate organization, other shareholders as well as creditors as the third party. 因此,股东是否依照法律和公司章程出资,不仅会对公司、其他股东产生重要影响,也会关涉作为第三人的债权人的利益。
The corporate organizational structure is more than the static graphic table. In addition to the standard structure on the appearance, what is more important, the corporate organization has continually developed its own specific inner operational structure ( order) in the interaction with the environment. 企业组织结构不是静态的图表,除了具有表面的规范结构,更关键的部分是由其内部微观经济主体之间以及与环境之间交互作用形成的特定内在行动结构(秩序)。
The Rural credit cooperative takes the finance configuration of organization which one kind is characteristic, is the countryside villagers gathers capital according to the cooperative economy principle to buy stock the composition corporate finance organization. 农村信用社作为一种独具特色的金融组织形式,是农村村民按照合作经济原则集资入股组成的合作金融机构。
Logically there are two steps for the corporate organization modularity, first the vertical seperation of the corporate organization and then the re-networking. 企业组织的模块化在逻辑上分为两个步骤,先是企业组织的纵向分离,继而再网络化,这就形成了模块化生产网络。
After the reorganization, corporate organization, management models and financial management environment has changed, which brings the company many problems about its old management model. 合并重组后,公司企业组织管理模式和内部控制环境发生了变化,从而导致其企业管理工作中许多问题亟待改善。
When examining their control of the corporate resources organization system, corporations can look to the restrictions of their own basic structure, then look to the results of this study and decide which control points are suit to them. 而企业在信息系统的管理上,也可通过考量自身基础架构上的限制,搭配本研究的成果,来决定有哪些控制点是必要的,是适合其自身的。
Secondly, it is the corporate governance organization that can represent the common interests of shareholders, corporation, the manager and the staffs, and that can take the accountability to the enterprise. 二是,能为公司制企业负责任的是能代表股东、企业法人、管理者及职工共同利益的机构,即企业的公司治理机构。
Corporate organization and incorporated organization are both admitted in Britain. 英国既承认法人组织形式,也承认非法人组织形式。
Board of directors is the corporate decision-making organization. It has the decision-making right of the important events and it is an important part of the organization. China has take great stress on developing IT industry as a strategic industry. 董事会作为公司的决策机构,具有公司重大事项的决策权,在公司的组织结构中处于非常重要的地位。
Above interpretations are simply focused on regional changes of corporate organization and spatial pattern of MNCs-owned R D institution in China. Whole effect caused by these R D institutions in the region has been ignored. 以上研究还只单纯停留在组织的区域变化上,重心是单个跨国公司在华研发的空间格局,并未考虑研发机构所影响的区域内的整体情况。
With increasing depth of economic globalization and rapid development and application of such communication technology as telephone and Internet, virtual team is playing an increasingly apparent role in the corporate organization. 伴随经济全球化的日渐深入以及电话、网络等通讯技术的快速发展和应用,虚拟团队在企业组织中发挥的作用愈发明显。